Monday, October 20, 2008
While millions of Americans look with awe to the Federal Reserve to protect the nation's financial well being, millions more mistrust the Fed, seeing it as an unaccountable, private banking cartel siphoning off citizens' wealth and manipulating America's economy for the benefit of a hidden elite.
Where does the truth lie? That's the question that's asked – and answered in-depth – in the July issue of WorldNetDaily's acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine.
Titled "THE FEDERAL RESERVE: FRAUD OF THE CENTURY," Whistleblower documents authoritatively and with uncommon clarity how the "Federal Reserve" – which is neither part of the federal government, nor does it rely on monetary reserves – is an unconstitutional, unelected cartel that literally creates the devastating problems it was supposed to prevent.
Today, the entire Western financial world holds its breath every time the Fed chairman speaks, so influential are the central bank's decisions on markets, interest rates and the economy in general. Yet the Fed, supposedly created to smooth out business cycles and prevent disruptive economic downswings like the Great Depression, has actually done the opposite.
"From the Great Depression, to the stagflation of the seventies, to the burst of the dotcom bubble" in 2001, charges U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, "every economic downturn suffered by the country over the last 80 years can be traced to Federal Reserve policy."
While many Fed defenders claim it worked valiantly to prevent or minimize the ravages of the Great Depression, in reality the Fed caused the Depression and greatly increased the severity of its effects.
In fact, as July's Whistleblower documents, the Fed's new chairman, Ben Bernanke, admits that the Federal Reserve was responsible for the Great Depression. "We did it," Bernanke said, adding, "We're very sorry."
But the Fed's sins go way beyond the Great Depression. "Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, middle and working-class Americans have been victimized by a boom-and-bust monetary policy," said Paul, the congressman best known for his steadfast commitment to the U.S. Constitution.
"In addition," said the Texas Republican, "most Americans have suffered a steadily eroding purchasing power because of the Federal Reserve's inflationary policies. This represents a real, if hidden, tax imposed on the American people."
And that's just the beginning. In this special Whistleblower issue , the crucial subject of economics and money – often deliberately made overly complicated and confusing – is laid out in the clearest way possible.
Whistleblower takes readers on a stunning time-travel journey back to 1913, to a train on its way to Jekyll Island, just off the coast of southern Georgia, where America's wealthiest and most influential bankers got together in secret and hatched their plan for creating the private banking cartel that would control the American economy. It would deceptively be named the Federal Reserve to create the impression it is part of the federal government.
Without resorting to financial jargon or doubletalk, Whistleblower explains in plain, commonsense language exactly how the Fed works and how Americans' formerly gold-backed currency has been corrupted and much of their buying power lost, thanks to the Fed, and how this continues into the present.
Although today the governors of the Federal Reserve are literally the gods of the nation's money supply and financial policy, in previous eras of American history, leaders warned specifically against an unaccountable, unelected central bank:
"I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." – Thomas Jefferson
"Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money." – Daniel Webster
"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce." – James A. Garfield
"All the perplexities, confusion and distresses in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation." – John Adams
"For this issue of Whistleblower," said David Kupelian, managing editor of WND and Whistleblower, "we tried to remedy John Adams' concern over Americans' 'ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.' So we worked very hard to come up with the most credible, most understandable, yet comprehensive analysis of the Fed possible."
Kupelian added. "This issue will go a long way toward giving you the understanding you need – not only regarding this nation's extraordinarily deceitful banking and money system, but also, to help you make better financial and life decisions for the sake of yourself and your family."
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Viveca Gresham has sent you a link to CareOne
6ABC: The oral sex cancer connection
The oral sex cancer connection
Teresa Dillon was surprised to learn four years ago that what she deemed as an average sore throat actually was stage 2 cancer on her tonsil.
This Month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
6ABC - The Delaware Valley's Most Watched Station
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Fw: Educational Perspectives: Are We Blind and Deaf? - helping Our Black Boys
Please call the Show Sunday 3pm. EST
If you can't call, please send email.
Descendant of Harriet Tubman of Underground Railroad & Founder CHILDREN JUST FOR NOW NETWORK...
David Square is a member.
Topic: Education An Egyptian Model,with Kelli Everett
Advertising available ask for rate. Note: Syndicated & Distributed across podcast directories
Forward to all who have interest in education & economics i.e. First Person, Philadelphia Academies, Greater Philadelphia Settlement, School Reform Commission
Subject: Educational Perspectives: Are We Blind and Deaf? - helping Our Black Boys
Are We Blind and Deaf? -- Helping Our Black Boys |
Most of us in the African-American community must be blind and deaf if we do not see and hear the grim statistics, the hopeless stories, and the destructive images that suggest we are losing too many of our young black boys, particularly those who are from poverty. To see and understand the magnitude of this problem and then turn our heads or bury them in the sand is equal to saying, "I do not care about you, and I am helpless about changing the destructive course of your lives.' All of us can enumerate many reasons why our black boys have trouble being successful in these United States. Research shows that almost 50% of failing boys come from predominantly female-headed households where many fathers are imprisoned or absent for other reasons. In the educational system, many of these boys have few male educators who can serve as role models. The students are disciplined in their homes by female mothers or grandmothers; they are then sent to elementary schools that are virtually 98% female, disciplined by female teachers who then send them to female principals. For the first five years of these male students' very impressionable lives, they are primarily exposed to females. From elementary through high school these black boys are disproportionately suspended, expelled, and arrested in comparison to their white counterparts. Too many have severe academic problems, and get so far behind they are either retained, placed in special education, drop out of school or settle for a GED. Many of these boys' parents are not actively involved in the school setting because they work multiple jobs just to survive. When they are expelled or drop out of school, they become targets for the juvenile justice system because many do not have the skills necessary to be productive in the work force. Additionally, many middle and high schools are cutting vocational programs that could help students learn a viable work skill while attending school. Coupled with low expectations, bigotry, racism, drugs, the gangster media portrayal, and grim prison statistics, these black boys do not have a chance. Now that some of the challenges our black boys face have been stated, what do we do to help them become successful despite these negative odds? What will it take to get our heads out of the sand, to wake up and take action? I am reminded of Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" which was written in l729. It is now hailed as the greatest satire ever written. In an attempt to solve the problems of poverty and thousands of children begging in the streets of Ireland because of the rich landlords, Swift suggested in his proposal that poor Irish families should fatten up their children and sell them as food for the rich land owners, thus solving the twin problems of starving children and poverty. I often wish I could think like Swift of a solution so dramatic that it would wake up our black community and propel us into action. We have an obligation to protect and insure that our young are successful. They represent our future and will one day take care of us pending the outcome of their lives. |
posted also on: Author: David Square of Project Gang Peace
Express yourself wherever you are. Mobilize!
Friday, October 3, 2008
We don't need gasoline,
we never needed it
Facts: Scientific and historical about gasoline and alcohol
1. The original automobiles ran on alcohol because when they were invented gasoline was not available.
2. Rockefeller spent $4 million (that we know of) to promote Prohibition, a ban on alcohol manufacturing in the US that started in 1919 just as the car industry was taking off.
3. When Prohibition was lifted in 1933, gasoline stations were ubiquitous and most engines ran on gasoline only.
4. Alcohol can be manufactured locally and on a community level from renewable plant material for $1 per gallon.
5. The growing of plant material for alcohol would have no effect on the price of food.
6. The growing of plants for fuel would more than neutralize the carbon created by burning alcohol for fuel.
7. In Brazil, over 50% of new cars sold can already run on 100% alcohol.
8. Producing alcohol from plant material is incredibly energy efficient.
9. The oil companies aggressively promote garbage science to deceive the public into believing that alcohol fuels: a) will cause starvation, b) are uneconomical, and c) are net polluters.
10. Gasoline is a high toxic material.
11. It is entirely unneeded to fuel our cars.
12. Oil companies like Chevron have pressured PBS, commercial TV networks and other news media to keep this basic information from the public for decades - and the censorship continues to this day.
Fact Source visit:
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Seven Common Dreams and What They Mean
Is It Possible to Spot a Liar?
Ten Ways to Save Green by Going Green
Women, Natural Disasters, and Reconstruction: An Overview
(NaturalNews) Research carried out by scientists at the Peninsula
Medical School in the South West of England has found that resveratrol,
a compound present naturally in grape skin, can protect against the
cellular damage to blood vessels caused by high production of glucose
in diabetes, according to a recently published paper in the science
journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
The elevated levels of glucose that circulate in the blood of patients with
diabetes causes micro- and macro-vascular complications by damaging
mitochondria, the tiny power plants within cells responsible for generating energy. When they are
damaged they can leak electrons and make highly damaging 'free radicals'.
Complications that can result when this happens include nephropathy (kidney disease), heart
disease and retinopathy (which if left untreated can lead to blindness).
Resveratrol stops the damage by helping cells make protective enzymes to prevent the leakage of
electrons and the production of toxic 'free radicals'.
As well as being naturally present in grape skins, resveratrol is also present in seeds, peanuts and
red wine.
Dr. Matt Whiteman, Principal Investigator and Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Biomedical and
Clinical Science, Peninsula Medical School, commented: "Resveratrol's antioxidant effects in the
test tube are well documented but our research shows the link between high levels of glucose, its
damaging effect on cell structure, and the ability of resveratrol to protect against and mend that
He added: "Resveratrol or related compounds could be used to block the damaging effects of
glucose which in turn might fight the often life threatening complications that accompany diabetes.
It could well be the basis of effective diet-based therapies for the prevention of vascular damage
caused by hyperglycemia in the future."
Resveratrol has been used for other health issues as well. For instance, individuals suffering from
influenza, also known as the flu, Resveratrol has been shown to prevent the continued reproduction
of the flu virus if taken within six hours of infection. Furthermore, resveratrol has demonstrated
anticarcinogenic activity. There is also growing evidence that resveratrol has cardioprotective
effects through a variety of mechanisms: it inhibits platelet aggregation, the proliferation of
smooth-muscle cells, and the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol.
The Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry (2008, March 20). Grape Skin Compound Fights
The Complications Of Diabetes ( .
Resveratrol May Be a Longevity Molecule